Presentations From Health Systems Strengthening Kopano 17-18th November

Slide presentations from the Health Systems Strengthening Kopano 17-18th November 2014


Introduction to ICDM for PHC NCDs service delivery including & patient centeredness – Dr Margo Uys 

Introducing the concept of multisectoral collaboration for action and accountability using HIV/AIDS context. Application to NCDs – Dr Sue Goldstein

Human resource issues. Training training and mobilisation: focus on nurses, other professions and health care workers – Lindsay van der Linden and Razana Allie

Ring fencing Budgets – Prof Mel Freeman



Breast cancer – know your medical scheme benefits

Credits: The Council for Medical Schemes Script Newsletter Issue 13 2014

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in rich and poor countries. In 2012, breast cancer was present in 6.3 million women worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death among women with over 522 000 deaths recorded in 2012. According to the National Cancer Registry, 1 in 27 South African women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Men can get breast cancer but it is rarely diagnosed. Conditions related to breast cancer are prescribed minimum benefit (PMB) conditions. To read more, please click here.

If you are a member of a medical scheme you need to understand the concept of PMBs. For more information click here.

In memory of Yvonne October 2014

Quick summary: NCDs in the Department of Health Strategic Plan 2014/15 – 2018/9

A quick review of where issues related to NCDs may be found in the National Department of Health’s (NDoH’s) strategic plan 2014/15- 2018/19.

What is missing?

  • We might have been too quick and missed the National Health Commission. Can you find it? Please let us know if you do.

What is in it?

Page 13: NCDs burden of disease

Page 14: NDoH goal to prevent disease and reduce its burden, & promote health. Relate to National Development Plan goal 2030 ↓ prevalence of NCDs.

Page 19: Programme 2: NHI, planning & enablement

Develop and implement integrated monitoring & evaluation plan.

Sector-wide procurement very important for essential medicine and equipment access. EDL are revised on a 3 year cycle and available via book, web and cell phone application format available. The material is also peer reviewed. Medicines availability; a central chronic medicines dispensing and distribution network availability in order to improve access.

Page 24: Programme 3: HIV/AIDS, TB, Maternal & Child Health (includes child, youth and school Health sub-programme)

  • HPV target by 2018/19 = >70% coverage.
  • Strategic objective indicator cervical cancer screening 2013/14 baseline 55% coverage 2018/19 >70% coverage

Page 27: Primary health care (PHC) services (also includes district health services and communicable diseases.)

Health promotion subprogramme focus on implementing a mass mobilization strategy on healthy options.
NCDs subprogramme includes mental health focus points:

  • ↓ NCDs risk factors
  • ↑ health systems and services for the detection and control of NCDs
  • ↑ service delivery platform for PHC focused eye care, oral health, care of elderly, rehabilitation, disability and mental health
  • Mental health ↑ awareness of- & ↓ stigmatization by sectoral collaboration
  • ↑ services to prevent disability by co-ordinated interdisciplinary services
  • decentralised integrated PHC services at clinic, community and district hospital level.

Page 29 & 30: Indicators and targets (2018/19)

  • NCDs % ↓ of obesity. Target: ↓ by 10% men to 21% and women to 55%
  • No. people counselled & screened & for high blood pressure & raised blood glucose with 5 million people target. Baseline not available.
  • No. people screened & treated for mental disorders. Target: 35%  prevalent population
  • No. districts implementing the framework and model for rehabilitation services. Target: 52 districts implementing (draft framework and model available 2013/14)
  • Cataract surgery rate. Target: 1700 cataract surgeries per million uninsured population (increase from 1000 2013/14)

Page 30: Resource considerations.  The “spending focus (for this period)… will be on health promotion and the prevention of NCDs such as diabetes and hypertension.”

Page 31: Risk management Risk: under-resourced District Health System with mitigation strategy to ring fence the funding for district management and service provision.

Download the strategic plan: SA DoH Strategic Plan 2014 to 2019