The Department of Social Development has published the  Draft Non-Profit Organisation Amendment Bill 2021, and is asking you to comment.

Comments can be emailed to the following: Luyanda Mtshotshisa at [email protected] or Mr Luyanda Ngonyama at [email protected] or Ms Mpho Mngxitama at [email protected] by no later than Friday, 18 November 2022

All comments must be submitted in the format indicated below: 

Please indicate which particular clause of the Bill the comments relate to
Please provide a clear proposal on how the particular clause should be amended
Please provide detailed motivation for the proposed amendment

The Bill seeks to amend the current Non-Profit Organisations (NPO) Act, 1997 (Act 71 of 1997). The Act was meant to create an enabling environment in which NPOs could be formed and function optimally. Overtime gaps have been identified, particularly for smaller NPOs and community-based organisations.

The proposed amendment addresses the challenges faced by smaller NPOs; deals with the abuse of NPOs and simplifies accessibility procedures. It also proposes the setting up of the NPO Registrar to strengthen the servicing, monitoring and promotion of transparency and accountability of the NPOs.